Special Education

YSGA Special Education model is based on the concept of Inclusion.


YSGA Special Education model is based on the concept of Inclusion. YSGA is committed to providing equal opportunities to students with disabilities by implementing individualized education plans (IEPs). We contract privately or through the Allegheny Intermediate Unit to obtain service providers like special education coordinators, speech and language specialists, psychologists, occupational and physical therapists, and others.

The administration and special education coordinator of Young Scholars oversee the implementation of IEPs. They help teachers understand how to deliver an individualized curriculum to students with disabilities. Young Scholars deploy team teaching as necessary to ensure that IEPs are implemented properly and that students are receiving services as identified in their plans.

Internally, YSGA has Learning Support Teachers who provide push-in support and pull-out support. When Learning Support Teachers push-in, Learning Support Teachers work with students in their classroom to help them be successful. When Learning Support Teachers pull-out of the general education classroom, they work with small groups of students in the learning support classroom.

Child Find and Identifying Need

YSGA utilizes the Response to Instruction and Intervention model (RTII). Our RTII Team (Child Study) includes administrators, learning support teachers, general education teachers, and the school counselor. The team meets to assess teacher, parent, and/or guardian concerns when a student faces difficulties that may indicate a disability. The team reviews data collected by the student’s teachers, observe the student in the learning environment and may implement a series of interventions to be carried out by the classroom teacher, subject specialist, and/or special education coordinator. Following documented attempts with interventions, the Child Study Team may recommend a special education evaluation.

If testing is recommended by the RTII team or requested by a parent, YSGA contracts with the Allegheny Intermediate Unit (AIU). The AUI provides a psychologist who is responsible for testing a disability, determining if a disability exists, and providing recommendations in terms of support within 60 days of the request. YSGA will utilize this information to create an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) and meet with families to review and implement the IEP.

When we identify a student in need, we provide special education services in accordance with state and federal law. Students with disabilities are integrated and educated with students without disabilities. Services provided that might separate a child from the general education environment occur only when the nature or severity of the child’s disability is such that education in general education classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily.

We educate our students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment possible in full compliance with their IEP. We promote their inclusion and engagement in school activities and foster their involvement with the entire school community.